Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Night Before!

It is 11:42PM here in Colorado I think its 5:42AM in Zimbabwe and I should be asleep.  When my Mom reads this she will probably be really mad that instead of sleeping I set up a blog and actually posted.  I can't help it I'm too excited I needed to tell someone! My heart is beating out of my chest partially out of excitement and partially because I'm terrified that I'm forgetting something important! I almost forgot to pack pants!!!  Now I have plenty of clothes, socks, undergarments, and I have my pants situation under control. I have the 60 some odd doxycycline(so I don't get malaria) I have all my immunizations (which had me sick ALL weekend) and of course passport, driver's licence, credit card and some cash (my mom has the tickets) so all in all I think I'm actually ready! I promise these posts will get more interesting! It is officially June 1st and no it didn't take me 15 mins to write this tiny paragraph in the process I realized I hadn't uploaded the pictures off my camera so I started that, ate some Graham crackers, and got attacked by something which turned out just to be a bobby pin falling out of my hair (which i threw across the room) Alright then I guess this concludes what will hopefully be the least interesting post of the lot assuming great adventures are to come! keep us in your prayers and see you all in July!

God Bless

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